CD-MAKE 2018 Special Session on Machine Learning for Text Mining

(in association with the 2nd Workshop of Biomedical Information Management BIMDANUBE)


This workshop aims to bring together international experts interested in artificial intelligence/machine learning for natural language, particularly text.  Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop orally or as poster and published in the IFIP CD-MAKE Volume of Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI). All submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three experts –
see authors instructions here:


Written Natural Language (text) is the main modality of (electronic) conversation. It is estimated that over 80% of knowledge is encoded in texts written in natural language. Thus, this vast body of data, which is still growing at an exponential rate, is a prime target for knowledge extraction and machine learning.


We are seeking submissions on all aspects of text processing for the purpose of representing, extracting or summarizing knowledge. Topics include, but are not limited to:

– Machine learning for natural language processing, including statistical and neural approaches
– Text processing system descriptions
– Information retrieval on text collections
– Position papers on future developments in text processing
– Interactive systems with human-in-the-loop machine learning
– Visualization of information and knowledge in texts
– Domain-specific applications, e.g. in health, law, and others
– Survey papers on text processing sub-fields
– Data sets and evaluation methodologies

see Main Conference Authors area:

see Main Conference Authors area:

SPECIAL SESSION ORGANIZERS (in alphabetical order)

Sophia ANANIADOU, National Centre for Text Mining, Manchester Insitute of Biotechnology, UK
Chris BIEMANN, University of Hamburg, DE
Svetla BOYTCHEVA, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, BG
Philipp CIMIANO, Bielefeld University, DE
Udo HAHN, University of Jena, DE
Ulf LESER, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, DE
Tingting MU, University of Manchester, UK
Xu SUN, Peking University, CN
Philippe THOMAS, Institut für Informatik, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, DE


see the conference main committee:
but we are also seeking addtional reviewers with special interest in this field !

Michael GRANITZER, University of Passau, DE
Christin SEIFERT, University of Twente, NL



TIR’18 – Workshop on Technologies for Information Retrieval in conjunction with the DEXA 2018
29th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Regensburg, Germany
September 03 – September 06, 2018, see:

(additional suggestions welcome – we are dedicated to help the international community)

CURRENT as of 24.03.2018 14:30 CET